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Sermons (29)
回转归向你的神【何西阿书 14:1-9】 |
Hosea 14:1-9 (Part of the 神对他子民的信实挚爱 series). |
Preached by J on 05/05/2024 (International Growth Groups). |
基督里的新人【歌罗西书 3:1-17】 |
Colossians 3:1-17 (Part of the One offs series). |
Preached by Zhihao on 08/13/2023 (International Growth Groups). |
作为基督的身体,我们如何行事为人?【以弗所书6:10-24】 |
Ephesians 4:7-5:2 (Part of the 教会—神的新人类 series). |
Preached by J on 11/27/2022 (International Growth Groups). |
作为基督的身体,我们如何站稳?【以弗所书4:17-5:2】 |
Ephesians 6:10-24 (Part of the 教会—神的新人类 series). |
Preached by J on 11/27/2022 (International Growth Groups). |
基督如何建立教会?用爱心说真理:问答环节【以弗所书4:1-16】 |
Ephesians 4:1-16 (Part of the 教会—神的新人类 series). |
Preached by Alf on 11/26/2022 (International Growth Groups). |
基督如何建立教会?【以弗所书4:1-16】 |
Ephesians 4:1-16 (Part of the 教会—神的新人类 series). |
Preached by J on 11/26/2022 (International Growth Groups). |
教会与神的计划【以弗所书1:1-3:21】 |
Ephesians 1:1-3:21 (Part of the 教会—神的新人类 series). |
Preached by J on 11/26/2022 (International Growth Groups). |
介绍以弗所书【以弗所书1:1-6:24】 |
Ephesians 1:1-6:24 (Part of the 教会—神的新人类 series). |
Preached by J on 11/25/2022 (International Growth Groups). |
金牛犊:耶和华对罪怀有毁灭性的烈怒 【出埃及32-33】 |
Exodus 32:1-33:6 (Part of the 出埃及记 series). |
Preached by J on 06/23/2018 (International Growth Groups). |
圣洁可畏的耶和华愿意和祂的子民同住【出埃及记25-31章】 |
Exodus 25:1-31:18 (Part of the 出埃及记 series). |
Preached by H on 06/17/2018 (International Growth Groups). |
Jesus and joss sticks : 在佛教文化中作基督徒 |
(Part of the IGG Lunch series). |
Preached by Gwilym on 05/28/2017 (International Growth Groups). |
敬拜和感受神 |
(Part of the series). |
Preached by Richard Simpkin on 10/18/2015 (International Growth Groups). |
Romans Overview |
(Part of the series). |
Preached by Dav on 06/17/2015 (International Growth Groups). |
預備回家 研討會 |
(Part of the One offs series). |
Preached by F&N on 05/10/2015 (International Growth Groups). |
Acts 2 |
Acts 2:1-47 (Part of the 使徒行传 Acts series). |
Preached by D on 04/01/2012 (International Growth Groups). |
Nahum |
Nahum 1:1-3:19 (Part of the Minor Prophets series). |
Preached by D on 12/06/2009 (International Growth Groups). |
Matthew 5:1-12 |
Matthew 5:1-12 (Part of the Kingdom Living series). |
Preached by Sam on 11/28/2009 (International Growth Groups). |
Matthew 5:13-48 |
Matthew 5:13-48 (Part of the Kingdom Living series). |
Preached by H on 11/28/2009 (International Growth Groups). |
1 John 5:13-21 |
(Part of the 1 John series). |
Preached by H on 06/28/2009 (International Growth Groups). |
Lead us not into temptation... |
Matthew 6:9-14 (Part of the The Lord's Prayer 主祷文 series). |
Preached by D on 02/22/2009 (International Growth Groups). |
Your will be done... |
Matthew 6:9-14 (Part of the The Lord's Prayer 主祷文 series). |
Preached by H on 02/01/2009 (International Growth Groups). |
dfs |
(Part of the series). |
Preached by Alf on Unknown Date (International Growth Groups). |
Resurrection (Pdf) |
(Part of the PDF Resources series). |
Preached by H on Unknown Date (International Growth Groups). |
Who is |
(Part of the The Lord's Prayer 主祷文 series). |
Preached by H on Unknown Date (International Growth Groups). |
实现新出埃及的救主 [马可福音 6:30-56] |
(Part of the series). |
Preached by Alf on Unknown Date (International Growth Groups). |
待更新 |
(Part of the series). |
Preached by Alf on Unknown Date (International Growth Groups). |
投靠在耶和华翅膀的荫庇下:仁慈【路得记2章 |
(Part of the series). |
Preached by Alf on Unknown Date (International Growth Groups). |
1Cor10 |
(Part of the series). |
Preached by Alf on Unknown Date (International Growth Groups). |
(Part of the series). |
Preached by Alf on Unknown Date (International Growth Groups). |
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