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Sermons (93)
神欢喜快乐接纳悔改罪人【路加福音15:11-32】 |
Luke 15:11-32 (Part of the Luke 路加福音 series). |
Preached by J on 10/27/2019 (Sunday Afternoon). |
耶稣确实在建立万国的国度【路加福音13:10-21】 |
Luke 13:10-21 (Part of the Luke 路加福音 series). |
Preached by J on 09/22/2019 (Sunday Afternoon). |
福音是确实的【路加福音1:1-4】 |
Luke 1:1-4 (Part of the Luke 路加福音 series). |
Preached by J on 09/15/2019 (Sunday Afternoon). |
照着盼望而活【罗马书8:18-30】 |
Romans 8:18-30 (Part of the Romans 罗马书 series). |
Preached by J on 08/18/2019 (Sunday Afternoon). |
不要怕,你们的神比来拯救你们!【以赛亚书34章-35章】 |
Isaiah 34:1-35:10 (Part of the Isaiah 等候耶和华的救恩 series). |
Preached by J on 07/07/2019 (Sunday Afternoon). |
等候耶和华的,都是有福的【以赛亚书28章-33章】 |
Isaiah 28:1-33:24 (Part of the Isaiah 等候耶和华的救恩 series). |
Preached by J on 06/30/2019 (Sunday Afternoon). |
来吧!我们要在耶和华的光中行走【以赛亚书2-4章】 |
Isaiah 2:1-4:6 (Part of the Isaiah 等候耶和华的救恩 series). |
Preached by J on 05/05/2019 (Sunday Afternoon). |
我们应该把盼望放在哪里【以赛亚书1章】 |
Isaiah 1:1-31 (Part of the Isaiah 等候耶和华的救恩 series). |
Preached by J on 04/28/2019 (Sunday Afternoon). |
教会应该怎么样为主的再来做准备?【帖撒罗尼迦前书5:12-28】 |
1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 (Part of the 1 Thes 帖撒罗尼迦前书 series). |
Preached by J on 03/17/2019 (Sunday Afternoon). |
帖撒罗尼迦前书问答【帖撒罗尼迦前书1:1-5:28】 |
1 Thessalonians 1:1-5:28 (Part of the 1 Thes 帖撒罗尼迦前书 series). |
Preached by J on 03/17/2019 (Sunday Afternoon). |
知其行,信其道【帖撒罗尼迦前书2:1-16】 |
1 Thessalonians 2:1-16 (Part of the 1 Thes 帖撒罗尼迦前书 series). |
Preached by J on 01/13/2019 (Sunday Afternoon). |
证明拣选的证据【帖撒罗尼迦前书1:1-10】 |
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 (Part of the 1 Thes 帖撒罗尼迦前书 series). |
Preached by J on 01/06/2019 (Sunday Afternoon). |
趁还来得及的时候悔改【路加福音12:54-13:9】 |
Luke 12:54-13:9 (Part of the Luke 路加福音 series). |
Preached by J on 11/25/2018 (Sunday Afternoon). |
为主耶稣的再来准备妥当【路加福音12:35-48】 |
Luke 12:35-48 (Part of the Luke 路加福音 series). |
Preached by J on 11/11/2018 (Sunday Afternoon). |
明智的财富管理【路加福音12:13-34】 |
Luke 12:13-34 (Part of the Luke 路加福音 series). |
Preached by J on 11/04/2018 (Sunday Afternoon). |
主耶稣教导我们如何祷告【路加福音11:1-13】 |
Luke 11:1-13 (Part of the Luke 路加福音 series). |
Preached by J on 10/07/2018 (Sunday Afternoon). |
在福音救恩时代,需要的只有一件事【路加福音10:38-42】 |
Luke 10:38-42 (Part of the Luke 路加福音 series). |
Preached by J on 09/30/2018 (Sunday Afternoon). |
耶稣离开,对我们是有益的【约翰福音16:4b-16:33】 |
John 16:4b-33 (Part of the John 约翰福音 series). |
Preached by J on 08/12/2018 (Sunday Afternoon). |
有怜悯有恩典的神【出埃及记33-34】 |
Exodus 33:7-34:9 (Part of the Exodus 出埃及记 series). |
Preached by J on 07/01/2018 (Sunday Afternoon). |
金牛犊:耶和华对罪怀有毁灭性的烈怒 【出埃及32-33】 |
Exodus 32:1-33:6 (Part of the Exodus 出埃及记 series). |
Preached by J on 06/23/2018 (Sunday Afternoon). |
听从神的约,做圣洁的子民【出埃及记21-23:19】 |
Exodus 21:1-23:19 (Part of the Exodus 出埃及记 series). |
Preached by J on 06/03/2018 (Sunday Afternoon). |
敬畏耶和华,你们圣洁可畏的神【出埃及记19-20章】 |
Exodus 19:1-20:21 (Part of the Exodus 出埃及记 series). |
Preached by J on 05/27/2018 (Sunday Afternoon). |
神一定会实现祂的应许【出埃及记1-2章】 |
Exodus 1:1-2:25 (Part of the Exodus 出埃及记 series). |
Preached by J on 04/15/2018 (Sunday Afternoon). |
不要被罪人的朋友耶稣绊倒【路加福音7:1-35】 |
Luke 7:1-35 (Part of the Luke 路加福音 series). |
Preached by J on 02/25/2018 (Sunday Afternoon). |
耶稣的使命:传福音【路加福音4:14-44】 |
Luke 4:14-44 (Part of the Luke 路加福音 series). |
Preached by J on 01/07/2018 (Sunday Afternoon). |
要谦卑依靠神,于是祂必叫你升高【彼得前书5:6-14】 |
1 Peter 5:6-14 (Part of the 1 Peter 彼得前书 series). |
Preached by J on 11/26/2017 (Sunday Afternoon). |
因为默想基督,甘心为义受苦【彼得前书3:13-4:6】 |
1 Peter 3:13-4:6 (Part of the 1 Peter 彼得前书 series). |
Preached by J on 10/29/2017 (Sunday Afternoon). |
基督徒荣耀的身份【彼得前书1:1-2】 |
1 Peter 1:1-2 (Part of the 1 Peter 彼得前书 series). |
Preached by J on 09/10/2017 (Sunday Afternoon). |
神必然会建立他的国度 【撒母耳记下15-17:23】 |
2 Samuel 15:1-17:23 (Part of the 2 Samuel 撒母耳记下 series). |
Preached by J on 06/25/2017 (Sunday Afternoon). |
因为神信守他的承诺,我们有盼望 【撒母耳记下13-14章】 |
2 Samuel 13:1-14:33 (Part of the 2 Samuel 撒母耳记下 series). |
Preached by J on 06/18/2017 (Sunday Afternoon). |
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