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Sermons (745)
与骄傲争战【创世纪3:1-7】 |
Genesis 3:1-7 (Part of the 主题:与老我争战 series). |
Preached by H on 05/12/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). |
回转归向你的神【何西阿书 14:1-9】 |
Hosea 14:1-9 (Part of the Hosea 神对他子民的信实挚爱 series). |
Preached by J on 05/05/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). |
认识父神的【何西阿书 11:1-5】 |
Hosea 11:1-5 (Part of the Hosea 神对他子民的信实挚爱 series). |
Preached by J on 04/28/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). |
不可思议的爱【何西阿书 2:2-3:5】 |
Hosea 2:2-3:5 (Part of the Hosea 神对他子民的信实挚爱 series). |
Preached by J on 04/21/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). |
神的子民如同娼妓【何西阿书 1:1-2:1】 |
Hosea 1:1-2:1 (Part of the Hosea 神对他子民的信实挚爱 series). |
Preached by J on 04/14/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). |
丰盛的恩典【以弗所书 2:4-7】 |
Ephesians 2:4-7 (Part of the Ephesians 耶稣的复活 series). |
Preached by H on 04/07/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). |
浩大的能力【以弗所书 1:19-23】 |
Ephesians 1:19-23 (Part of the Ephesians 耶稣的复活 series). |
Preached by H on 03/31/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). |
做福音合伙人【腓立比书 4:10-23】 |
Philippians 4:10-23 (Part of the Philippians 基督的心志 series). |
Preached by H on 03/24/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). |
天上的公民如何靠主站立得稳【腓立比书 4:2-9】 |
Philippians 4:2-9 (Part of the Philippians 基督的心志 series). |
Preached by ZH on 03/17/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). |
竭力追求天上奖赏,从而站稳【腓立比书 3:12-21】 |
Philippians 3:12-21 (Part of the Philippians 基督的心志 series). |
Preached by J on 03/10/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). |
以认识基督为至宝【腓立比书 3:1-11】 |
Philippians 3:1-11 (Part of the Philippians 基督的心志 series). |
Preached by J on 03/03/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). |
为福音而活,为福音而死【腓立比书 2:19-30】 |
Philippians 2:19-30 (Part of the Philippians 基督的心志 series). |
Preached by J on 02/18/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). |
在不信的世代中发光【腓立比书 2:12-18】 |
Philippians 2:12-18 (Part of the Philippians 基督的心志 series). |
Preached by Chih-Cheng on 02/04/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). |
以基督的心为心【腓立比书 2:5-11】 |
Philippians 2:5-11 (Part of the Philippians 基督的心志 series). |
Preached by Tom on 01/28/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). |
完美”的教会【腓立比书 2:1-4】 |
Philippians 2:1-4 (Part of the Philippians 基督的心志 series). |
Preached by Tom on 01/21/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). |
有保罗的心志【腓立比书 1:27-30】 |
Philippians 1:27-30 (Part of the Philippians 基督的心志 series). |
Preached by H on 01/14/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). |
尊基督为大【腓立比书 1:12-26】 |
Philippians 1:12-26 (Part of the Philippians 基督的心志 series). |
Preached by H on 01/07/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). |
在爱中成长【腓立比书 1:1-11】 |
Philippians 1:1-11 (Part of the Philippians 基督的心志 series). |
Preached by H on 12/31/2023 (Sunday Afternoon). |
圣诞信息:舍命服侍的奴仆君王【马可福音 10:32-45】 |
Mark 10:32-45 (Part of the Guest event: 圣诞节 series). |
Preached by Tom on 12/17/2023 (Sunday Afternoon). |
确信神的救恩(下)【彼得前书 1:10-12】 |
1 Peter 1:10-12 (Part of the 1 Peter 确信神的救恩 series). |
Preached by Abraham on 12/10/2023 (Sunday Afternoon). |
确信神的救恩 (上)【彼得前书 1:1-9】 |
1 Peter 1:1-9 (Part of the 1 Peter 确信神的救恩 series). |
Preached by Abraham on 12/03/2023 (Sunday Afternoon). |
谁坐在宝座上?【使徒行传 12:1-25】 |
Acts 12:1-25 (Part of the Acts 神的王登基了! series). |
Preached by H on 11/19/2023 (Sunday Afternoon). |
在神的手里【使徒行传 11:19-30】 |
Acts 11:19-30 (Part of the Acts 神的王登基了! series). |
Preached by H on 11/12/2023 (Sunday Afternoon). |
种族歧视【使徒行传 11:1-18】 |
Acts 11:1-18 (Part of the Acts 神的王登基了! series). |
Preached by H on 11/05/2023 (Sunday Afternoon). |
神是我们坚固保障【诗篇 31:1-24】 |
Psalm 31:1-24 (Part of the Psalms 诗篇 series). |
Preached by Abraham on 10/29/2023 (Sunday Afternoon). |
给万民的救恩(3)【使徒行传 10:1-48】 |
Acts 10:1-48 (Part of the Acts 神的王登基了! series). |
Preached by J on 10/22/2023 (Sunday Afternoon). |
给万民的救恩(2)【使徒行传 9:32-43】 |
Acts 9:32-43 (Part of the Acts 神的王登基了! series). |
Preached by J on 10/15/2023 (Sunday Afternoon). |
给万民的救恩(1)【使徒行传 9:1-31】 |
Acts 9:1-31 (Part of the Acts 神的王登基了! series). |
Preached by J on 10/08/2023 (Sunday Afternoon). |
地极的欢乐【使徒行传 8:26-40】 |
Acts 8:26-40 (Part of the Acts 神的王登基了! series). |
Preached by Tom on 10/01/2023 (Sunday Afternoon). |
福音的扩展会受到挑战 【使徒行传 8:4-25】 |
Acts 8:4-25 (Part of the Acts 神的王登基了! series). |
Preached by Tom on 09/24/2023 (Sunday Afternoon). |
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