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祷告—战时热线【以弗所书 6:18-20】
Ephesians 6:18-20 (Part of the Ephesians 属灵战火纷飞 series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by Tom on 02/16/2025 (Sunday Afternoon).
(Part of the 门徒360 series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by J on 02/09/2025 (Special event).
你知道在打仗吗?【以弗所书 6:10-17】
Ephesians 6:10-17 (Part of the Ephesians 属灵战火纷飞 series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by Tom on 02/09/2025 (Sunday Afternoon).
天上财宝的价值【马太福音 13:44】
(Part of the 主题:精明投资 series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by H on 01/25/2025 (Sunday Afternoon).
甘心乐意的奉献【哥林多后书 8:1-9:15】
2 Corinthians 8:1-9:15 (Part of the 主题:精明投资 series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by H on 01/19/2025 (Sunday Afternoon).
物质主义的愚蠢【路加福音 12:13-21】
Luke 12:13-13:21 (Part of the 主题:精明投资 series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by H on 01/12/2025 (Sunday Afternoon).
成为忠心好管家【彼得前书 4:1-11】
1 Peter 4:1-11 (Part of the 主题:精明投资 series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by H on 01/05/2025 (Sunday Afternoon).
神诚挚的邀请【以赛亚书 55:1-13】
Isaiah 55:1-13 (Part of the Isaiah 以赛亚书 series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by ZH on 12/29/2024 (Sunday Afternoon).
喜乐满溢地庆祝圣诞节【路加福音 2:22-40】
Luke 2:22-40 (Part of the Guest event: 圣诞节 series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by J on 12/15/2024 (Sunday Afternoon).
得胜的福音【使徒行传 18:24-19:20】
Acts 18:24-19:20 (Part of the Acts 神的王登基了! series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by H on 12/08/2024 (Sunday Afternoon).
神的足迹无所不在【使徒行传 18:1-23】
Acts 18:1-23 (Part of the Acts 神的王登基了! series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by H on 12/01/2024 (Sunday Afternoon).
(Part of the Weekend away 2024 神的故事,你的故事 series).
Preached by Tom on 11/24/2024 (Weekend Away).
(Part of the Weekend away 2024 神的故事,你的故事 series).
Preached by Tom on 11/24/2024 (Weekend Away).
(Part of the Weekend away 2024 神的故事,你的故事 series).
Preached by Tom on 11/23/2024 (Weekend Away).
(Part of the Weekend away 2024 神的故事,你的故事 series).
Preached by Tom on 11/23/2024 (Weekend Away).
(Part of the Weekend away 2024 神的故事,你的故事 series).
Preached by Tom on 11/23/2024 (Weekend Away).
(Part of the Weekend away 2024 神的故事,你的故事 series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by Tom on 11/22/2024 (Weekend Away).
给全人类的福音【使徒行传 17:16-34】
Acts 17:16-34 (Part of the Acts 神的王登基了! series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by H on 11/17/2024 (Sunday Afternoon).
传福音遇到反对【使徒行传 17:1-15】
Acts 17:1-15 (Part of the Acts 神的王登基了! series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by H on 11/10/2024 (Sunday Afternoon).
主的道势不可挡的扩展【使徒行传 16:16-40】
Acts 16:16-40 (Part of the Acts 神的王登基了! series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by J on 11/03/2024 (Sunday Afternoon).
神正亲自引导【使徒行传 16:6-15】
Acts 16:6-15 (Part of the Acts 神的王登基了! series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by H on 10/27/2024 (Sunday Afternoon).
基督如何建立他的国度?【使徒行传 15:36-16:5】
Acts 15:36-16:5 (Part of the Acts 神的王登基了! series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by J on 10/20/2024 (Sunday Afternoon).
如何得救?【使徒行传 15:1-35】
Acts 15:1-35 (Part of the Acts 神的王登基了! series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by J on 10/13/2024 (Sunday Afternoon).
神的工【使徒行传 14:19-28】
Acts 14:19-28 (Part of the Acts 神的王登基了! series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by J on 10/06/2024 (Sunday Afternoon).
鸡同鸭讲?【使徒行传 14:8-18】
Acts 14:8-18 (Part of the Acts 神的王登基了! series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by Tom on 09/29/2024 (Sunday Afternoon).
成功的福音【使徒行传 13:44-14:7】
Acts 13:44-14:7 (Part of the Acts 神的王登基了! series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by Tom on 09/22/2024 (Sunday Afternoon).
如何“审时度势”【使徒行传 13:13-43】
Acts 13:13-43 (Part of the Acts 神的王登基了! series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by Tom on 09/15/2024 (Sunday Afternoon).
神的手掌管一切【使徒行传 12:25-13:12】
Acts 12:25-13:12 (Part of the Acts 神的王登基了! series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by H on 09/08/2024 (Sunday Afternoon).
只有这样,才能跟随他【马可福音 10:32-52】
Mark 10:32-52 (Part of the Mark 跟随奴仆君王耶稣基督 series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by H on 09/01/2024 (Sunday Afternoon).
像小孩子一样接受耶稣的救恩【马可福音 10:1-31】
Mark 10:1-31 (Part of the Mark 跟随奴仆君王耶稣基督 series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by ZH on 08/25/2024 (Sunday Afternoon).
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